We know better. Actually, you do too. It doesn’t. Most companies have been surprised to lose clients that seemed to be satisfied and, of course, we all have kept clients that just seemed impossible to please. The numbers don’t correlate – they never have.
Sure, a high level of client satisfaction is never a bad thing. Unless, it lulls you into a sense of complacency that a formal and disciplined account management process is somehow less important. Big mistake!
Tenacity’s clients have improved their ability to retain their accounts within a range of five to fifteen points. As a result, they have taken millions of dollars straight to the bottom line, by not buying into “the management theories everyone knows to be true.”
We’ve spent the last 30 years challenging the management myths that simply don’t work in a managed services environment and replaced them with a “best in class” process that does – every time. Right now, the Clients for Life® client retention process protecting just over $23 billion worth of contracts for some of the largest and most successful service management companies in the world.
Right Clients/Right Terms® sets a measurable criteria established by your senior management that not only guides your salesforce in selecting potential clients, but also details the terms under which the organization will enter into a contract.
When implemented, Right Clients/Right Terms® allows your resources to be aligned on those opportunities that represent the organization’s strategic objectives & best return on investment.
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© 2025 Tenacity®. All Rights Reserved. Design By Vcana Global, Inc.